My 2019 Drawings
I rarely draw, but I'd like to share here my drawings I made in 2019. There's only five of them, so don't get too excited. The first four are the main characters from the Mother fan game, Mother: Cognitive Dissonance. CogDis was a really, really good game and it heavily inspired me to do something creative when I finished it. So, I drew the main characters. Then, Link's Awakening was announced for Switch, and I already knew what I had to do. When I was probably about ten or so my great Grandma was in the hospital having surgery, and I was really into playing Link's Awakening DX at the time. I played on a bootleg 13-in-1 cart on a clear Japanese exclusive Gameboy Color that all came from my Grandpa's (now ex-)wife. While at the hospital one day, I discovered the first Gameboy printer drawing you could print out, and I thought it was the cutest thing ever so I had to draw it. All these years later, I've redrawn it in the style I've developed.